Kleptocracy rules, okay!

The display of motor oils on the forecourt of a filling station a couple of blocks away is impressive. But the containers are filled with water. It’s not because there...

Scary sh*t, isn’t it

Dateline Harare Zimbabwe Not only are the sewers broken and bursting around here, not only are the streets potholed and lined with litter but there’s more sh*t on the way....

Time for free speech, hey ho!

Everyone has the right to a viewpoint. This one from British writer Nate White: Trump “has no class, no charm, no coolness, no credibility, no compassion, no wit, no warmth,...

You couldn’t make it up

Dateline Harare Zimbabwe In his own social media posts, Wicknell Chivayo is dishing out US $100 bills at the Victoria Falls airport when he overlooks one woman’s outstretched hand and...

The road ahead. It’s not this one…

No obstacles, no potholes, no mangled wreckage. Here’s to wishing it could be so. First person: “I’m giving up drinking, I’m eating healthier, more exercise , more social interaction, I’ll...

Bejesus, let there be light

(Dateline Harare) How does it feel when extreme weather events cut off electricity to a few million households though it soon  will be restored? Spare a thought, then, for those...

Lament for a tortured friend

So, it’s boring as fuck. Sorry for that. Very few hits on my last story. We’ve slipped right off the map. (Oxford University says the f-word has taken over from...

Let’s make Orwell fiction again

Even in these far reaches of the globe it is impossible to escape from the noise of those damned elections just around the corner. How will the outcome influence dictatorships...

How to launder money

We tried washing grimy notes in gentle soap suds and warm water. Then a machine cycle took 45 minutes and the money came out cleaner than before. But it isn’t...