Down like ninepins. Ruin in a smartphone

The scourge of the smartphone has brought wrack and ruin to many in the skittle alley of life. For  the second year running, Miss Zimbabwe has been sacked after earlier...

Money doesn’t grow on trees

In the record books, again for all the wrong reasons. Until September, Zimbabweans can cash in their old defunct local currency, the Zimbabwe dollar. The biggest bank note, ZD 100...

Beauty brouhaha?

Winner Emily Kachote, 25   Many say the Miss World Zimbabwe beauty pageant is being unjustifiably militarised and that’s in bad taste. The head of the Miss Zimbabwe Trust is...

Rip it all up, says Mr Tome

So Edward Tome, described as a political analyst and historian, wants to campaign for Africa Unity Square, Harare’s central square, to be ripped up and redesigned. He finds it offensive that...

Easy guide. How to navigate this site

On smaller screens, the upright or narrower portrait format of phones and tablets rather than the horizontal landscape view, see the white chevrons at the top left on a red background,...

Let there be light.

Let there be light. Fat chance. Daily electricity blackouts now last up to 18 hours. It will be a bleak winter as temperatures drop in the southern hemisphere. The energy...