Category: Archive

Only in Zimbabwe?

President Robert Mugabe in the Harare parliament ….. What an extraordinary chain of events. Mr Mugabe, 91, delivered the wrong speech at the official opening of parliament, one he had...

Deep in the cactus now?

When will the cactus really hit the fan? How deep in it are we? The electricity supply people just announced that from September 1 power output from the Kariba hydroelectric...

The rise and fall of Air Zimbabwe

Thank goodness, this high rise neon hoarding imploring us all to ‘FLY air zimbabwe, non-stop to London’  has been removed after at least two decades as part of Harare’s skyscraper...

A tonic to lift the spirits …

Now a little respite from quick, back-to-back cricket tours by India and New Zealand. Zimbabwe might well have been hammered all round but fans who saw the Kiwis, sent in...

Food for thought

An official report shows that just four of the 29 grain silos at Lions’ Den are usable after years of neglect. Most of the unusable ones are cracked and crumbling...