
Home for the Bewildered The man in the next bed, Thought he had a coffin Growing out of his head. He couldn’t wear his hat, What do you think of...


Mutoko Madness

A Memoir By Angus Shaw How do you behave in a poker game with a genocidal murderer? General Mohammed Siad Barre of Somalia had a revolver lying beside his over-flowing...


Kandaya, Another Time, Another Place.

The fight for independence in Zimbabwe comes under scrutiny in Kandaya, Another Time, Another Place. It is based own the experiences of a white conscript in Ian Smith’s army. Angus...

Lust to Kill

Lust to Kill: The Rise and Fall of Idi Amin

One of the bloodiest reigns in history is over. For eight years the man they called the Black Hitler ruled over Uganda with unprecedented brutality. Over these years thousands upon...

How Rotten for Daphne

How Rotten for Daphne

Love him or hate him. Billy Conolly: How Rotten For Daphne  from his album A Change is as Good as a Rest. “It was so long ago, it was as...

Heart of Darkness

Thembi, a lovely and heart warming child, was admitted to Parirenyatwa hospital in Harare after her mother sold some of her furniture to pay for admission.  She died at the...